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Conditions Temp Precipitation Windspeed Direction UV index
Today 3 Strong Storms
Damaging winds with some storms.
91° 0.47in 77% 10 mph SW SW
Tonight 4 T-Storms
Potential for severe thunderstorms.
71° 0.91in 95% 9 mph SSW SSW -
Tomorrow 38 AM T-Storms
Gusty winds and small hail are possible.
90° 0.25in 89% 9 mph SW SW
Tomorrow night 4 T-Storms Late 75° 0.11in 59% 7 mph SSW SSW -
Thursday 38 AM T-Storms 90° 0.12in 69% 9 mph WSW WSW
Thursday night 4 T-Storms 72° 0.29in 66% 6 mph WSW WSW -
Friday 4 T-Storms 85° 0.26in 67% 8 mph W W
Friday night 11 T-Showers 65° 0.59in 78% 7 mph NNW NNW -
Saturday 34 Mostly Sunny 83° 24% 8 mph N N
Saturday night 33 Mostly Clear 62° 8% 6 mph N N -
Sunday 34 Mostly Sunny 85° 7% 5 mph NNE NNE
Sunday night 33 Mostly Clear 62° 14% 4 mph E E -